​​​​​​​​​​First Christian Church of Redding 

Children’s Sunday School (3 yrs-5th Grade)

During the program year (September thru May), we offer an intergenerational Sunday School class at 9:30 am for children ages 3 years through 5th grade complete with lessons, crafts, activities and often music. There are always two leaders involved in Sunday School in adherence with Safe Sanctuary. The Sunday School Classroom is located in the Burrell Building (which is next door to the sanctuary). 

Lunch Bunch


Will be @ Don's Sandwich Shop located on 3034 Bechelli Lane.  This will be a regular monthly event the second Tuesday of every month, arrival time between 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.   There will be a sign-up sheet on the back table. All are welcome even if you forgot sign up. 


Meeting the needs of our varied congregation is a priority, therefore, we seek to offer different groups, some of which meet consistently and others that meet sporadically through the year. Our adult study groups are designed to strengthen and expand our faith journey as we seek to be followers of Christ.  From Bible to religious book studies, groups are being formed on a regular basis and all are welcome. Literary, contextual, and historical background enrich our understandings. Support and nurture groups add to the fellowship and compassion that is a part of our church life. We hope you will find a place that meets your needs.